Christmas Bazaar

Deer Park United Methodist Church 2205 Sykesville Rd, Westminster, Maryland, United States

Save the date! Get ready for Christmas celebrations at our church bazaar. Great bargains from our different "shoppes", coffee served upstairs from (7-10:30) and lunch downstairs in the social hall...

Bible Study

Deer Park United Methodist Church 2205 Sykesville Rd, Westminster, Maryland, United States

“ADVENT - A Season of Surprises" by Scott Chrostek, in the conference room. A 6-week study starts Oct. 30 & ends on Dec. 18 (No Class Nov 20 or 27)....

Bible Study

Deer Park United Methodist Church 2205 Sykesville Rd, Westminster, Maryland, United States

“ADVENT - A Season of Surprises" by Scott Chrostek, in the conference room. A 6-week study starts Oct. 30 & ends on Dec. 18 (No Class Nov 20 or 27)....

“Souper” Bowl Sunday

Deer Park United Methodist Church 2205 Sykesville Rd, Westminster, Maryland, United States

2st Quarter Score: "Organ" Side: 174 "Screen" Side: 173. We begin the 3rd quarter with the "Organ" side leading.Both sides are urged to go for a TOUCHDOWN by putting "SOUPER"...

Bible Study

Deer Park United Methodist Church 2205 Sykesville Rd, Westminster, Maryland, United States

Drive-thru Ashes on Ash Wednesday

Deer Park United Methodist Church 2205 Sykesville Rd, Westminster, Maryland, United States

Come recieve ashes on Wednesday without having to leave your car. You can drive to the main entrance to the portico (follow the traffic pattern and signs). you are also...

Vacation Bible School

Deer Park United Methodist Church 2205 Sykesville Rd, Westminster, Maryland, United States

Every year we host a week-long journey exploring God’s word through song, story, mission, craft, and science. Age 3 through and including those entering 6th grade. From 5:15 to 5:45pm...
